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Where to go for financing, especially in the current market

By April 7, 2013March 20th, 2024No Comments
So you have found the building or land that you want; you have done all of your pre-due diligence and you are convinced this property is the one for you.  It looks as though all the pieces are going to fall into place; but how will you pay for this property? In the current economy, cash is king but why part with all of yours on the purchase? What about renovations? Cost of moving? Unknowns?  Unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary, we feel it is best to obtain an affordable loan (besides, this is why banks exist). Borrowing money is a game lenders love to play.  In the game of lending, it is very much who you know  and where to borrow from.  Who will provide you the best loan?  Private lenders, public lenders or  bridge lenders? Should you go to a mortgage broker or direct to the bank? How do you meet all of these people? With any luck, the real estate broker you choose is well networked so he or she can introduce to many or all of the contacts they have so you can choose.  In any market, we do not play favorites.  We can provide you with a list of contacts, we can make introductions and we prefer to let you decide.  Many of our agents have diverse backgrounds including banking. To get an idea of who we know, please see here. Who you know is the name of the game so be sure to ask your real estate broker for introductions.  And of course, contact us with any questions.

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