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Buying a Property

Pre Qualification

Arrange a meeting with a mortgage broker to determine the extent of your affordability when it comes to purchasing a home.

Pre Approval

Knowing what you can afford is the first step, but it’s even better if you get pre-approved by a bank before talking to sellers. This shows you’re serious and can afford the home. With pre-approval, the bank checks your finances and promises to lend you a certain amount. So, when you like a home within that amount, the seller knows you’re a real buyer. Expenses associated with pre-approval are typically minimal, and lenders often grant you the option to settle them upon the finalization of your loan.

List of Must Haves and Wants

Prepare two lists. The first one should cover must-have items like the right number of bedrooms for your family’s size or a single-story house if accessibility matters. The second list is for your wishes, things you’d enjoy having (such as a pool or den) but aren’t crucial. Realistically, first-time buyers might not check off everything on their wish list, but this approach helps you stay focused on what you’re seeking.

Professional Representation

Consider hiring a professional real estate agent who exclusively represents your interests as the buyer, rather than the seller.

Do’s and Dont’s when Buying
and Selling Property

After submitting your loan application, it is essential to refrain from the following actions until the completion of your property purchase. Please adhere to these guidelines strictly.

It is crucial to understand the reasons behind these precautions. The underwriting process involves thorough checks and reviews of borrowers’ credit activity, even up to the day of closing. Any misstep, even at the final stages, can potentially jeopardize your loan approval. The consequences may include losing the property and forfeiting your escrow deposit. If you have any doubts or concerns about certain actions, it is strongly recommended to consult with your realtor or lender for guidance and clarification.

Avoid these

Do Not Deposit Cash

Do not deposit cash into your bank accounts during the lending process. Banks need to account for all funds (part of the anti-money laundering efforts of our government). If you deposit cash into an account, the bank could disqualify that account. It’s a great practice to not deposit cash into your accounts for at least 2 months prior to applying for a loan, and definitely NOT during the process. Funds into your account are by check or wire only.



Do Not Apply for or Consolidate Credit

Do not apply for new credit of ANY kind during the lending process. You will receive invitations to apply for new lines; DON’T. Do not even reply. Don’t establish new lines of credit on furniture, appliances, electronics, nothing. Why? You’re increasing your debt which lowers your income and the bank will deny your loan.

Also, do NOT consolidate your credit during the loan process. This will change your debt to income ratios and could cause the bank to deny your loan. Likewise, you may also accidentally remove beneficial credit history.

Lastly, do not max-out or go over your credit limits. This is the fastest way to lower your score, even by 100 points – OVERNIGHT. Once you’re in the loan process, do your best to keep your credit usage at a maximum of 50%

Do Not Close Credit Lines or Cards

Do NOT close existing lines of credit! If you close a credit card or line of credit, it can affect your debt to income ratio / debt to available credit and could affect your score by as much as 30%. If you really want to close it, do so AFTER you have closed on your home.

Do Not Go Shopping!

Do not go shopping. No appliances; no furniture; no trips. Do not spend cash you may need for closing; certainly do not take on any new credit. Did you already forget the above items?

Do Not Buy or Lease a Car

Do not buy or lease a new or used car, during the loan application process. As with items above, anything which incurs more debt equally reduces the funds you have available to pay back the bank. Wait on the car until AFTER you close.

Do Not Take Out Another Loan

Do not take out any other loan, during the loan application process.  As with items above, anything which incurs more debt equally reduces the funds you have available to pay back the bank.  There are exceptions, but follow the bank’s direction.  For example, if you have a 401k, the bank may allow you to borrow against that as it is collateralized and you are borrowing against your own money.

Do Not Transfer or Deposit

Do not transfer or deposit large sums of money. All lenders must be cautious to ensure that their loan is not part of any kind of money laundering. Although it may seem silly, moving large sums of money is one of many triggers a bank will look for. If you have no choice, at least speak with your lender and always be certain you have documentation.

Do Not Pay Off Collections

Once your loan application is submitted, do not pay off any collection unless the lender specifically asks you to do so in order to secure your loan. Often times, paying off a collection can negatively affect your score.

Do Not Change Jobs

This one my seem obvious, but, quitting your job or changing jobs, during the loan process, can have serious negative affects on your ability to qualify for a loan. Most times, lenders need to see stable, dependable income – usually for at least 2 years. Lenders will even verify employment on the day of closing.



Do Not Become Self-Employed

Do not change jobs…. This mostly a repeat of above, and equally as important.  As with above, this one my seem less obvious, but, quitting your job or changing jobs, during the loan process, can have serious negative affects on your ability to qualify for a loan.  Most times, lenders need to see stable, dependable income – usually for at least 2 years.  Lenders will even verify employment on the day of closing.

Do Not Accept Any Gifts of Money *

Do not accept any gifts of money, ESPECIALLY NOT CASH.  Well, always no cash, but no gifts until you speak with your loan officer.  Why? The gifter must be able to document their source of the funds gifted; and only family members can gift.  If Mom has cash in a mattress saved over time, that’s not good for you.  If Mom has money in a bank account and she can show bank statements and the check or wire used to gift you funds, that’s fine.  But still, ask your lender first! Funds into your account are by check or wire only.



Do Not Do Anything....

Generally speaking, be careful with your credit during the loan process. If you’re not sure what kind of effect something can have on your credit, call your realtor or lender (lender, preferably). No purchase or change in credit is as important as securing the loan!

Do these

Do Stay Current on Your Accounts

Make your payments as normal. Late payments on your existing mortgage, care, credit cards, etc., can adversely effect your new loan process. When you don’t stay current, that’s reported to the credit reporting agency and can cost you the loan. Even one late payment can hurt. Stay on schedule!

Do Use Your Credit

The lending system is sophisticated. Red flags are easily raised in the scoring system so if it appears you’re changing your normal patterns, it could cause your score to go down. Do what you’ve always been doing; unless your loan officer says otherwise.

Do Call Your Lender or Reatlor

If you receive a notice from a collection agency, or a new bill you didn’t expect or just don’t know if you can spend money on something; make the phone call. Do not lose your loan over something that you didn’t at least ask for guidance on.

Do Respect the Process

Look – money rules the game. To qualify for a loan, you often have to live by the lender’s rules while in the loan application process. It may seem silly, it may be frustrating; but unless Uncle Bob has money to lend you, play by the rules – the transaction will be much easier!

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